Message From The Advisor

Datuk Seri Dr. Noraini Ahmad
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Women, Family And Community
Advisor, The Muslim World Women’s Summit

First and foremost, I would like to extend my warm wishes and sincere gratitude to everyone. I am honoured for being given the opportunity to embark on this initiative where compassion, unity and aspiration come together to shape the future of Women Empowerment.

I would like to express my appreciation to the Government of Malaysia, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT) for being the backbone and unwavering supporters of our initiatives over the years.

The Muslim World Women's Summit 2024 marks a significant moment in our shared journey in pursuing a common purpose where the topic of Women Empowerment globally needs the utmost attention. Even though we come from diverse backgrounds and cultures, I believe our goals and objectives are the same.

In line with the theme, “The Powerful Women Next Generation Vanguard of Feminine Power”, The Muslim World Women's Summit 2024 is a platform to build bridges of understanding by facilitating space to foster dialogues and enhance intra-trade among participating nations. In addition, the conferences, exhibitions and award ceremony recognizes women leaders who have championed the causes of Women Empowerment.

As the Advisor of The Muslim World Women’s Summit I will stay committed to serving the interest of our shared common values to achieve progress. Together, we can shape a better tomorrow for ourselves, our children, and future generations. Let's come together and reap the benefits that this event has to offer.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,